GROW: As a teenager, I was someone you might call “Suzy high school.” I played sports, was president of my class, had many friends, etc. But there were times I made some bad choices and ended up having to face my parents with the truth. I remember being afraid of what they would think, even wondering if my actions would make them love me less. Thankfully, I was blessed with incredible parents whose loving lessons throughout my life pointed me toward our Father’s love. St. Paul gives us a glimpse of how deep the love of our Father is in the second reading: “But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” God loves us so completely that even before we approach him to ask for forgiveness, his arms are open wide. Look up at the cross and let that abundant, unending love wash over you. Reflect on what is said in the first reading from the Book of Exodus: “Therefore, if you hearken to my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my special possession, dearer to me than all other people, though all the earth is mine.”
GO: How can we respond to this great love we have been shown by our heavenly Father? Jesus is pretty clear on this topic, isn’t he? “Love one another as I have loved you.” Not a lot of ambiguity or nuance there. Daunting? Doesn’t need to be. The words of today’s responsorial psalm proclaim: “Know that the Lord is God; he made us, his we are; his people, the flock he tends.” His flock is all of us – including the poor, the depressed, the lonely. Perhaps we can challenge ourselves this summer to step out in service to God’s flock by calling on someone in our own lives who may feel marginalized, frightened, or anxious, and be the hands and feet of our Father to them. Perhaps they do not know the depth of our Father’s love and we can reassure them of this. In today’s Gospel Jesus says: We have been blessed by the sacrifice of the Lamb, and it is our responsibility to share that blessing with others.
ACTION: One of the ministries I enjoy contributing to in my area is a Foster Closet. It stocks blankets, clothing, backpacks, toys, and many other products to allow foster children to have quality shopping experiences. If there is one near you, you might find that supporting these vulnerable children is a simple way to let them know they are infinitely worthy of God’s love.