Is 8:23–9:3 | 1 Cor 1:10-13, 17 | Mt 4:12-23 or Mt. 4:12-17
GROW: Since the Fall, the world has been riddled with strife and divisiveness. From the disobedience in the Garden, to Cain and Abel, to conflicts and wars throughout the centuries, it’s clear that we humans are prone to picking sides and fighting over them. We hear about this even within the early Church from St. Paul in today’s second reading. There were rivalries, and Christians were saying things such as, “I belong to Paul” or “I belong to Cephas.” But Paul wisely asks: “Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?” Clearly not. There is only one source of Truth – Jesus Christ – and Paul never hesitated to refuse credit for himself, and to instead glorify the Lord in his word and deed. This is the model set for us – to refuse to set ourselves or God-made-in-our-own-image over and against the Triune God who created us. Christ came to unite us with himself and to one another, in reconciliation with the Father. His words are now our words: Repent and believe in the Gospel. Pray for the grace to come together as the body of Christ so that we can be his hands and feet in the world and carry out the work he began.
GO: In Jesus Christ the kingdom of God enters into human history, fulfilling God’s promise of salvation for his people. Christ inaugurated the kingdom on earth, and as members of his Church we are responsible for continuing to build it – here and now. As Christ called his first disciples and made them “fishers of men,” so he calls us, that we might go forth “proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness among the people.”
PRAY: The Lord has commissioned us to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Where we cannot go physically or in person, we can go in prayer. Bring before the Lord all who yet need to hear his voice and repent and believe. Pray for those who are persecuted for their belief in Jesus Christ.