Those who approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Penance/Confession obtain pardon from God's mercy for the offenses committed against him, and are, at the same time, reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins and which by charity, by example, and by prayer labors for their conversion.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1422
Confessions available by appointment and 1/2 hour before all Sunday Masses. For more information contact the pastor at 712-225-4606.
[1] is necessary for salvation, living a good live with Christ, and for receiving Holy Communion worthily,
[2] make a good examination of conscience beforehand reflecting on the Ten Commandments as a guide,
[3] after entering the Reconciliation Room/Confessional receive the greeting from the priest,
[4] tell the priest how long it has been since your last confession (don’t worry if it has been a long time or you cannot remember—the priest is glad you are there), [5] tell the priest the sins you would like to confess (stick with the facts only—the priest does not need to hear all of the details, the entire story, who was present, what other’s did or did not do, or what you are doing correctly; share only the basic sin {i.e., “I am sorry for the many times I have lied, the frequent use of using God’s name in vain, not attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days, …”),
[6] listen to the priest’s words of encouragement,
[7] accept the penance given that will be your way of saying to God “I plan to do better.”,
[8] pray an Act of Contrition/Sorrow,
[9] receive the words of Absolution in your heart as the prayer is prayed by the priest,
[10] thank the priest when you are dismissed,
[11] complete the penance given and give praise to God, and
[12] do not be afraid to utilize this Sacrament at least once a year, or even month (which is better).